Market asset servicing - France


Income collection

Market Record date


Basis for entitlement

Standard interest calculation rule

Coupon payment per bonds quoted in units

Ex-date -1

Equal to payment date for French listed bonds

Record date, at close of business

Actual/360 (depending on the issue)

Dividend payment and coupon payment per bonds not quoted in units

Ex-date +1

Equal to payment date -2 for French listed securities

Record date, at close of business

Actual/360 (depending on the issue)

Note: These are general rules; exceptions may apply as defined on a case-by-case basis by the issuer.

Corporate actions


Market Record date


Basis for entitlement

Corporate events with entitlement distribution

Ex-date -1

Equal to date from which trading occurs without entitlement to the distribution

Record date, at close of business

Note: This is a general rule; exceptions may apply as defined on a case-by-case basis by the issuer.

Most common corporate events

The most common events in the French market are Purchase offers, Subscriptions, Bonuses (automatic, non-automatic), French Optional Dividend, Exchange offers and Warrant exercises.

Organisation of AGM/EGMs

AGMs are normally held by companies every year between May and July.

Companies have the obligation to publish an announcement of the AGM in the newspapers at the latest 30 days prior to the meeting and to inform Registered shareholders.

If shareholders want to participate in a meeting, shares must be blocked 6 days before the meeting. Blocked shares can be sold up to 15:00 (CET) on the day preceding the AGM.

Transaction Management

Please refer to Transaction Management in T2S  and the Transaction management rules - France.