Xact via Swift User Guide


Xact via Swift offers customers the possibility to link to LuxCSD through SWIFTNet FIN services.

The use of Xact Web Portal is also recommended so that you have full control over your subscription of business reports scheduled for delivery via ClearstreamXact, namely Xact File Transfer via SwiftNet and/or Xact via Swift.

As a complementary tool, Xact Web Portal can be used to monitor SWIFT instructions and manage exceptions.

This secure, fully automated and ISO 15022 compliant system is ideal for high-speed, high-volume straight-through system-to-system processing. Use Xact via Swift in conjunction with Xact Web Portal for last-minute instruction input, transaction life cycle monitoring, online queries and exception handling.

LuxCSD has fully adopted SwiftNet ensuring that customers can benefit as early as possible from the capacity improvements and new technologies that go beyond ISO 15022.

The Xact via Swift User Guide provides customers of LuxCSD with an overview of the formats that must be adhered to when sending securities instructions and the report layout available through the Swift connectivity service. It is updated regularly and may be issued in a pre release form in advance of a significant release. Individual announcements pertaining to Swift can be found under the LuxCSD announcements.

If you need further assistance, please contact the Connectivity Helpdesk or your Relationship Officer.