Corporate Action Harmonisation: CA Database upload and Merger Form updates


LuxCSD1 informs clients about Corporate Actions (CA) Database upload and Merger Form changes from

1 July 2024.


With Corporate Action Harmonisation (CAH) phase 2 production launch on 1 July 2024, LuxCSD informs clients about below two changes:   

  1. With CAH Phase 2 migration, CA Database upload of CBF issued funds related Event documentation will be discontinued as from 1 July 2024 for all clients. The documents can be consulted on the original WM.Daten website, and the link to the document is available in WSSOnline in the Event section “UCITS IV” or “OGAV IV”.
  2. Merger Form for Issuer Agents - from 1 July 2024, the attached updated form will need to be used and sent to the Global Issuance Services (GIS) email address: in order to specify the details of the upcoming Merger Event for Funds. 

Further information

If clients have any questions, they should contact their Relationship Officer, LuxCSD Client Services or the OneClearstream Customer Readiness Team.

1. LuxCSD refers to LuxCSD S.A., registered office at 42, Avenue J.F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg, registered with the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register under number B-154.449.