Slovak Republic: Updated tax rate on dividends paid to individuals in 2025


LuxCSD1 informs clients that effective

1 January 2025

the taxation rate applicable in relation to dividends paid to individual beneficial owners in relation to their holdings of Slovak equity securities is getting raised from 7% to 10%. The new tax rate is intended to apply solely to dividends paid out of profits generated in 2024 and will therefore apply in 2025 for the first time.

Impact on clients

The above change in tax rate will not impact the tax rate applied to undisclosed beneficial owners, who will remain subject to 35% withholding tax on dividends paid to them by Slovak issuers in 2025.

Upon completion of the relief at source procedure notified by LuxCSD (issuer-by-issuer guidelines and procedures), individual beneficial owners may be entitled to a refund of 25% – rather than 28%, as it was previously – of the gross dividend amount paid out of the profits generated in 2024.

Further information

For further information, please contact the LuxCSD Tax Help Desk, Client Services or your Relationship Officer.

1. LuxCSD refers to LuxCSD S.A., registered office at 42, Avenue J.F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg, registered with the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register under number B-154.449.